VP, Creative Director - Writer | Specialties: Earned, Social, 360, Broadcast | kent.carmichael@gmail.com
Walgreen Holiday Campaign

Walgreens - Get in. Get out. Get Jolly. TV Campaign

Walgreen Holiday Campaign

Walgreen Holiday Campaign

The holidays are a real shit show. Good thing Walgreens is right around the corner with quick fix solutions for all your holiday needs. This TV and targeted digital video campaign was inspired by real holiday tweets.

Walgreens That's It :15

Classic mother-in-law joke.

Walgreens Christmas Chaos :30

Probably the last time I’ll write in a dog, cat and children into a script.

Walgreens Mom's Stocking :30

Walgreens is the only place on the planet that could save dad on Christmas Eve.

Walgreens Card Stress :15

Walgreens Hidden Gift :30

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